Chapter 3. Installing and setting up call.connect 39
3.2.7 System21 data set up
System21 data setup is covered in the
Basic System21 Setup for call.connect
must complete this setup in order for call.connect to operate successfully. This section
outlines the steps to configure the Order Management module (see Table 3-3). These steps
assume that other parts of System21, such as customers, items, depots, etc., are already
Table 3-3 System21 Order Management setup
3.2.8 Java Web Start
This section provides instructions for a straightforward way to configure a new iSeries. Two
HTTP Servers are available at different releases of the operating system:
IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 (original): For V4R4 and earlier
IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (powered by Apache): For V5R1 and later
V4R5 supports both original and powered by Apache.
Ensuring that the HTTP administrative server is ready
The following steps are the same for both servers:
1. Verify that the HTTP Server software is loaded. On the iSeries, type the following
2. On the display that appears, select option 10 (Display). Check the suffixes. Look for DG1.
If you do not find it, load it before you proceed to the next step.
3. Start the HTTP Server. On the iSeries, run the command:
Step Action Completed
1 Create a search family code
2 Create an Order Management company profile
3 Create buying lists
4 Create buying list rules
5 Create operator profiles
6 Create teams
7 Create OM customer details
8 Create OM customer contacts
9 Create outgoing call schedules
10 Create item sales details
11 Create supply rules and policies
12 Create supply points
13 Create customer and item attributes
14 Generate call lists