Chapter 3. Installing and setting up call.connect 67
3. Verify that the files within c:\callConnect\CCClient are correctly configured as listed in the
following sections.
Verify the contents of this file as they are shown here:
Check the following line:
Verify that the ROSEAO_PATH is set as follows:
set ROSEAO_PATH=C:\callConnect\test
set SERVER=<iSeries>
Verify that the CLIENT_PATH is set as follows:
If using a test instance, change the port number in the following line to 902, for example:
start javaw -Djava.naming.provider.url=iiop://%SERVER%:900 etc
Running the manually configured client
Create a desktop icon pointing to callConnect.bat. The first time you run this, it displays:
Default User: User for call.connect
Default Password: Password for user
S21 Company: XX (the AR company to be used)
S21 GL Company: XX (the GL company to be used)
S21 User Name: OMUSER or user set up in 3.2.6, “User profiles” on page 36
S21 Password: OMUSER
Datasource: as400Source. This must be the JNDI name used in ejb_default. It is not the
name of the datasource set up in WebSphere.
After the first time, the system requests only the user and password to sign on. Remember,
users and passwords are case sensitive.
Testing Java Web Start
Follow the steps for a standard configuration until you reach the create configuration step.
Then complete the steps in the following sections for your HTTP Server.
HTTP Server for iSeries (original)
Configure your IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (original) as explained in the following steps:
1. Under the Configurations option, select the Create Configuration link.
2. The Create Configuration page appears (see Figure 3-14 on page 43 for an example).
Follow these steps:
Important: You must maintain this structure. For example, the jre folder must be at the
same level in your file structure as the client folder.