Chapter 4. Installing and setting up vendor.connect 79
$host$: This is the iSeries name and domain, such as needjava.jab.co.uk.
$port$: This is the port for the WebSphere instance running vendor.connect.
$IP$: This is the IP address of the iSeries server.
Starting the application
To start the application, follow these steps:
1. Start a WebSphere console. In a command prompt, change the directory to:
2. To start the console for the specified machine in the default environment, enter the
adminclient <iSeries> <Port Number>
This may be quite slow. If an instance other than the default instance is required, enter the
port number. Otherwise you may leave this blank.
3. Wait for the message “Console Ready” to appear in the console. The topology view
appears by default.
4. Open the node, application server, and container to display the beans and servlets. You
should see the application servers VennConn, VCSync, and Receiving. Click the
Application Server. Click Start and wait. The beans and servlets turn blue as they start.
This may take several minutes.
4.2.5 IBM HTTP Server for iSeries
vendor.connect is a Web-based application. For it to run, you must configure the HTTP Server
as explained in the following sections. Two HTTP Servers are available:
IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 (original): For V4R4 and earlier
IBM HTTP Server for iSeries (powered by Apache): For V5R1 and later
Ensuring that the HTTP Server is ready
The following steps are the same for both servers:
1. Verify that the HTTP Server software is loaded. On the iSeries, type the following
2. On the display that appears, select option 10 (Display). Check the suffixes. Look for DG1.
If you do not find it, load it before you proceed to the next step.
3. Start the HTTP Server. On the iSeries, run the command:
4. Verify that the server is running. Enter the following command:
5. Verify that ADMIN jobs are running in the QHTTPSVR subsystem.
Note: You must have QSECOFR user authority to read this table.
Note: This is a standard directory for a default installation of the console. However, you
can install the console in a different directory if necessary.