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Chapter 4. Installing and setting up
This chapter explains how to install and set up Geac’s vendor.connect product.
Throughout the installation instructions, you will see variables in
. For each of these
variables, you need to provide a real name. For example, for the variable <
>, you must
change it to the name of the machine you are using.
Keep in mind that all the required components are on the vendor.connect CD. However,
throughout this chapter, references are made to the Geac applications
@ctive Modeler, and secure.connect. vendor.connect users may install these applications,
although they are not essential.
This chapter also refers to a folder named
Jacada, which contains all the components of
Jacada that required for vendor.connect. You may obtain a Jacada server from your Geac
distributor, although one is not required for vendor.connect.