
148 A-61550 May 2007
Appendix B TWAIN Image Processing Terminology
If you have used previous scanners from Kodak, you will notice that the
user interface has been updated. Many of the image processing
features you are familiar with may have been renamed or moved. The
table below will help you to find the feature's new name and/or location.
Previous Location/Name Current Location/Name
Feature: Camera Selections
Location: Imaging tab Location: Advanced tab and Content
Settings tab
Options: Options:
Automatic Color Detect Images per side: One - based on
document content
When selected, the Content Settings
tab will be displayed which contains
the additional options.
Duplex Dual Stream (check Front
Color, Rear Color, Front Bi-tonal, Rear
Images per side: Multiple
When selected, the Images to
Configure options will be displayed
which allows selection of the streams
to create.
Feature: Color Tables
Location: Imaging tab Location: Image Settings - General tab
Options: Options:
Text with Pictures Document Type: Text with Graphics
Media type: Plain Paper
Text Document Type: Text
Media type: Plain Paper
Pictures or Photographs Document Type: Photograph
Media type: Glossy Paper