
A-61550 May 2007 49
Border — allows you to select what action to perform on the edges of
your electronic image.
Add: includes up to approximately 0.1 inches of border around all of
the image edges.
NOTE: This option is only available for the following selections: when
both Document: Automatically Detect and Straighten and
Image: Part of Document are selected; Document:
Automatically Detect; or Document: Manually Select.
Remove: produces an image that contains just the document by
eliminating any residual border. Residual border can be caused by
variations in a document edge; for example, when a document is not
a perfect rectangle and/or was fed crooked.
While this option will not remove large amounts of residual
border, there is a possibility that a small amount of the document
will be lost.
This option is only available when both Document:
Automatically Detect and Straighten and Image: Entire
Document are selected.