Offline auto tuning (Pr. 80 to Pr. 96)
3.12 Offline auto tuning (Pr. 80 to Pr. 96)
3.12.1 Offline auto tuning function
(Pr. 9, Pr. 80, Pr. 81, Pr. 83, Pr. 84, Pr. 71, Pr. 96, Pr. 450, Pr. 452 )
3.12.2 Parameters
Set the following parameters.
If any other manufacturer’s motor is used, using the offline auto tuning function runs the motor with the
optimum operating characteristics.
z By performing offline auto tuning, the inverter measures the necessary motor constants.
z Offline auto tuning can be performed with an inertia load, e.g. coupling, connected. (As the load is lighter,
tuning accuracy is higher. Tuning accuracy does not change even if the inertia is large.)
z For the offline auto tuning, you can select either the motor non-rotation mode or rotation mode.
The rotation mode has higher tuning accuracy than the non-rotation mode. The rotation mode should be
selected for the online auto tuning.
z If any other manufacturer’s motor is used, perform offline auto tuning (Pr. 96 = "101") with motor alone to
run the motor before performing online auto tuning. (The motor with inertia load can be connected.)
z Note that it is necessary to perform offline auto tuning (non-rotation mode (Pr. 96 = "1")) in order for the
wiring length resistance to be reflected on the control when the wiring length of the Mitsubishi motor used
(SF-V5RU, SF-JR, SF-HRCA) is long (30m or longer as a reference).
(For online auto tuning, refer to the Instruction Manual (basic). For other settings, refer to page 39)
1. The motor capacity is equal to or one rank lower than the inverter capacity.
2. Special motors such as high-slip motor and high-speed motor cannot be tuned.
3. Motor runs at up to about the rated speed of the motor.
4. Make sure that the motor is connected. (At a tuning start, the motor should be at a stop.)
5. Tune the motor alone without connecting a load (e.g. frictional stationary load) to the motor.
(An inertia load such as a coupling may remain connected.)
6. Use the encoder that is coupled directly to the motor shaft without looseness.
7. Offline auto tuning will not be performed properly if it is performed with a reactor or surge voltage
suppression filter (FR-ASF-H) connected between the inverter and motor. Remove it before starting
• When using the Mistubishi vector dedicated motor (SF-V5RU,SF-VR), Mitsubishi standard motor (SF-JR with encoder), or
MItsubishi constant-torque motor (SF-HRCA with encoder), offline auto tuning is not necessary.
• You can copy the tuning data (motor constants) to another inverter with the PU (FR-DU04-
• The offline auto tuning status can be monitored with the PU (FR-DU04-
Parameter Name Setting Range Factory Setting Remarks
71 Applied motor
Refer to page 111 and set "3 (standard motor)", "13 (constant-torque motor)" or "33
(SF-V5RU or SF-VR)". Electronic thermal characteristics are also changed in
accordance with the motor.
9 Electronic thermal O/L relay
0 to 500A
(Set 0 for use of
an external
thermal relay.)
Refer to the motor rating plate
and set the rated value.
(If two or more rated values are
given in the motor rating plate, set
the values for 200V/60Hz(400V/
80 Motor capacity 0.4 to 55kW Inverter capacity
81 Number of motor poles 2, 4, 6 4
83 Rated motor voltage 0 to 1000V 200V/400V
84 Rated motor frequency 10 to 200Hz 60Hz
96 Auto tuning setting/status 0, 1, 101 0
0 : Auto tuning not performed
1 : Tuning performed without
motor running
101: Tuning performed with motor
851 Number of encoder pulses 0 to 4096 2048
852 Encoder rotation direction 0,1 1
Thermal relay protector
0,1 1
speed torque