
Online auto tuning (Pr. 95)
3.13 Online auto tuning (Pr. 95)
3.13.1 Online auto tuning selection
(Pr. 95, Pr. 9, Pr. 71, Pr. 80, Pr. 81 )
(1) Pr. 95 = "1" (start time tuning)
The current at a start is detected to compensate for the secondary resistance of the motor so that excellent
characteristics are provided regardless of the change in value of the secondary resistance of the motor with the rise
of the motor temperature.
Excellent torque accuracy is provided by temperature compensation even if the secondary resistance value of
the motor varies with the rise in the motor temperature.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
Online auto tuning
0 0, 1, 2
0: Online auto tuning not performed
1: Start time tuning (at start-up)
2: Adaptive magnetic flux observer (normal)
Electronic thermal
O/L relay
0A 0 to 500A
Used as rated motor current and electronic
thermal relay function parameters.
71 Applied motor 30 Refer to page 111 and make setting.
80 Motor capacity Inverter capacity 0.4 to 55kW
(Down to one rank lower than the inverter
81 Number of motor poles 4 2, 4, 6
1. Perform offline auto tuning in the rotation mode before performing online auto tuning with start time
tuning. Data needs to be calculated.
2. For using start time tuning in vertical lift applications, examine the utilization of a brake sequence for
the brake opening timing at a start. Though the tuning ends in about a maximum of 500ms after a
start, torque is not provided fully during that period. Therefore, note that there may be a possibility of
drop due to gravity.
To prevent delay at starting, X28 function which executes tuning before start signal input is provided. (Refer to page 33.)
speed torque position