Terminal assignment functions (Pr. 180 to Pr. 195)
Refer to the following table and set the parameters.
* When Pr. 59 = "1, 2, or 3", the functions of the RL, RM, RH and RT signals change as listed above.
Functions Related Parameters
Pr. 59 = 0 Low speed operation command
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr.
27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239
Within 20ms
Pr. 59 = 1, 2 * Remote setting (setting clear) Pr.59
Pr. 59 = 0 Middle speed operation command
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr.
27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239
Pr. 59 = 1, 2, 3 * Remote setting (deceleration) Pr. 59
Pr. 59 = 0 High speed operation command
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr.
27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239
Pr. 59 = 1, 2, 3* Remote setting (acceleration) Pr.59
3 RT Second function selection
Pr. 44 to Pr. 50, Pr. 450 to
Pr. 457, Pr. 463
5 JOG Jog operation selection Pr. 15, Pr. 16
15-speed selection (combination with three speeds RL,
Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr.
27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239
9 X9 Third function Pr. 110, Pr. 111, Pr. 116
10 X10
FR-HC connection, FR-CV connection (inverter
operation enable)
Pr. 30, Pr. 70 Within 2ms
11 X11
FR-HC connection (instantaneous power failure
detection) (only when FR-A5NR option is fitted)
Pr. 30, Pr. 70
12 X12 PU operation external interlock signal Pr. 79
Within 20ms
14 X14 PID control enable terminal Pr. 128 to Pr. 134
15 BRI Brake sequence opening completion signal Pr. 278 to Pr. 285
16 X16 PU/external operation switchover Pr. 79
20 X20 S-pattern acceleration/deceleration C switchover Pr. 29, Pr. 380 to Pr. 383
22 X22 Orientation command (Caution 4) Pr. 350 to Pr. 369
23 LX Pre-excitation/servo on (Caution 5) Pr. 802
24 MRS Output stop Pr. 17
25 STOP Start self-holding selection —
26 MC Control mode changing —
27 TL Torque limit selection Pr. 815
28 X28 Start time tuning
42 X42 Torque bias selection 1 —
43 X43 Torque bias selection 2 —
44 X44 P control selection (P/PI control switchover) —
9999 STR Reverse rotation start
STR terminal (Pr. 187) only
(Note) DI1 to DI4 functions
are made invalid.
1. One signal can be assigned to two or more terminals. In this case, turning on any one of the terminals
make the signal valid.
2. The speed command priorities are higher in order of jog, multi-speed setting (RH, RM, RL, REX) and
PID (X14).
3. Use common terminals to assign multi-speeds (7 speeds) and remote setting. They cannot be set
4. The FR-A5AX (12-bit digital input) is needed to externally input a stop position under orientation control.
5. Made valid under vector control.