Common specifications
4.2 Common specifications
Control specifications
Control method
Soft-PWM control or high carrier frequency sine-wave PWM control can be selected.
Vector control or V/F control can be selected.
Control mode Speed control torque control, position control
Speed setting
Analog input 0.03% of the maximum set speed
Digital input 0.003% to the maximum setting (minimum setting 0.1r/min)
Acceleration/deceleration time
0 to 3600s (0.1s increments)
Linear, S pattern (3 types) or backlash measures acceleration/deceleration can be selected.
Torque limit level Torque limit value can be set (0 to 400% variable)
Input signals
Analog setting signal
Termi nal
Setting Range Speed Control Torque Control
2 0 to 10V (resolution 0.03%) Main speed setting Speed limit
0 to ±10V
(resolution 0.05%)
Auxiliary speed setting/magnetic flux
command/regenerative torque limit
Speed limit compensation/magnetic
flux command/forward/reverse rotation
speed limit
(analog polarity switchover speed limit)
0 to ±10V (resolution
Torque limit/Torque bias Torque command
Option (FR-V5AX) 6
0 to ±10V
(resolution 0.003%)
Main speed setting (at this time,
terminal 2 is invalid)/torque limit
Speed limit (at this time, terminal 2 is
invalid)/Torque command (at this time,
terminal 3 is invalid)
Contact signal
3 fixed function terminals Forward rotation command, alarm reset, external thermal relay
5 function terminals
Selection can be made from reverse rotation command, multi-speed setting
(max. 15 speeds), remote setting, jog operation (Caution 1), second function
selection, third function selection, output stop, start signal self-holding, pre-
excitation, control mode switchover, torque limit selection, start time tuning, S
pattern switchover, PID control terminal, orientation command, break opening
completion signal, PU operation/external operation switchover, torque bias
selection 1, torque bias selection 2, P control selection, servo on, HC
connection, and PU/external interlock.
Option (FR-V5AX) 6 multi-function terminals
Output signals
Contact signal
1 changeover contact
(230VAC 0.3A
, 30VDC 0.3A)
Selection can be made from inverter running, inverter running 2, up to speed,
instantaneous power failure (undervoltage), speed detection, second speed
detection, third speed detection, PU operation mode, overload warning,
regenerative brake prealarm, electronic thermal relay function prealarm,
output current detection, zero current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper
limit, PID forward/reverse rotation output, operation ready, operation ready 2,
brake opening request, fan fault output, heatsink overheat prealarm,
orientation in-position, forward rotation output, reverse rotation output, low
speed output, torque detection, regenerative status output, minor fault output,
minor fault output 2,alarm output, maintenance timer output, start time tuning
completion, remote output, output speed detection, second (third) output
speed detection, in-position and trace status.
Open collector signal 3 multi-function terminals
Option (FR-V5AY) 3 multi-function terminals
Option (FR-V5AM) 1 multi-function terminal
Option (FR-A5AY)) 7 multi-function terminals
Analog output
0 to ±10V 12 bits ×1CH
0 to 10V 12 bits ×1CH
Selection can be made from speed, output current, output voltage, preset
speed, output frequency, motor torque, converter output voltage, regenerative
brake duty, electronic thermal relay function load factor, output current peak
value, converter output voltage peak value, load meter, motor excitation
current, motor output, reference voltage output, torque command, torque
current command and torque monitoring.
Option (FR-A5AY)
0 to 10V 10 bits × 1CH
0 to 20mA 10 bits × 1CH
Encoder pulse output
option (FR-V5AY)
A phase, B phase, Z phase (A and B phases can be divided)
Open collector/differential line driver.
Operational functions
Maximum/minimum speed setting, speed jump, external thermal relay input selection, polarity reversible
operation, override function, automatic restart after instantaneous power failure operation, forward/reverse
rotation prevention, operation mode selection, offline auto tuning function, online auto tuning function, easy gain
tuning, computer link operation, remote setting, brake sequence, second function, third function, multi-speed
operation, coasting to stop, power failure stop, PID control, speed feed forward, model adaptive speed control,
master/slave, torque bias, 12-bit digital command (FR-A5AX option), 16-bit digital command (FR-A5AH option),
pulse train input (FR-A5AP option), motor thermistor interface (FR-V5AX option)
Parameter unit
Selection can be made from speed, output current, output voltage, preset speed, output frequency, motor torque,
converter output voltage, regenerative brake duty, electronic thermal relay function load factor, output current
peak value, converter output voltage peak value, input terminal status (Caution 4), output terminal status
(Caution 4), load meter, motor excitation current, position pulse, cumulative energization time, actual operation
time, motor load factor, torque command, torque current command, feedback pulse, motor output, trace status.
Alarm definition
Alarm definition is displayed when protective function is activated. 8 past alarm definitions are stored. (Only 4
alarm definitions are displayed on the control panel.)
Protective functions
Overcurrent shut-off (during acceleration, deceleration, constant speed), regenerative overvoltage shut-off
(acceleration, deceleration, constant speed), undervoltage, instantaneous power failure, overload shut-off
(electronic thermal relay function), brake transistor alarm (Caution 2), earth (ground) fault current, power output
short circuit (12/24VDC/control panel), stall prevention, external thermal relay, heatsink overheat, fan fault, option
alarm, parameter error, PU disconnection, encoder no-signal, speed deviation large, overspeed, position error
large, CPU error, encoder phase error, output phase failure, retry count excess, brake sequence error
Ambient temperature -10°C to +50°C(non-freezing)
Ambient humidity 90%RH or less (non-condensing)
Storage temperature
(Caution 3)
-20°C to +65°C
Atmosphere Indoor use. (No corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt)
Altitude, vibration
Maximum 1,000m above sea level, 5.9m/s
or less
1. Jog operation may also be performed from the control panel (FR-DU04
-1) or the parameter unit (FR-PU04V).
2. Not provided for the FR-V520-18.5K to 55K, FR-V540-18.5K to 55K that do not have a built-in brake circuit.
3. Temperature applicable for a short period in transit, etc.
4. Not provided for the control panel (FR-DU04