Maintenance function (Pr. 890 to Pr. 892)
3.40 Maintenance function (Pr. 890 to Pr. 892)
3.40.1 Maintenance output function (Pr. 890 to Pr. 892 )
• The maintenance output timer count displayed on the FR-DU04-1 is clamped at 9998 (99980h).
• Writing 0 to Pr. 892 enables the maintenance (MT) output/display to be turned off.
(This is designed to turn it off only when the user intends to turn it off.)
• When the Pr. 891 setting is less than the Pr. 890 value, the maintenance output turns off.
1)Pr. 891 "Maintenance output timer"
The cumulative energization time of the inverter is counted every 1hr and the stored time in E
PROM is output in
10hrs increment.
2)Setting the MT signal
Set "37" (maintenance output signal) in Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 or Pr. 195 (output terminal function selection) to set the
MT signal. (Refer to page 152)
When the cumulative energization time (Pr. 891 "maintenance output timer") of the inverter has elapsed the
time set in Pr. 890 "maintenance output setting time", the maintenance output (MT) signal is output and an
alarm is displayed on the PU (FR-DU04
-1/FR-PU04V). A repetition signal output and alarm display at
specified intervals can be set using Pr. 890 "maintenance output setting time". (usable for a capacitor life
alarm, etc.)
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
890 Maintenance output setting time 9999
0 to 9998
, 9999
9999: Function invalid
891 Maintenance output timer 0 0 to 9998
892 Maintenance output signal clear 0 0
• The time is counted regardless of the Pr. 890 "maintenance output setting time" value.
• The timer can be cleared by setting "0" in Pr. 891 when Pr. 77 = "801". Make sure that the Pr. 77 value is reset to the original
speed torque position
Initial power on
output timer
(Pr. 891)
MT output/display
Pr. 890
Pr. 890
Pr. 890
0 written to Pr. 892