
Offline auto tuning (Pr. 80 to Pr. 96)
3.12.3 Execution of offline auto tuning
The following applies to the first motor.
(1) Parameter setting
Select Pr. 851 "number of encoder pulses" and Pr. 852 "encoder rotation direction" (Refer to the Instruction
Manual (basic).)
Select Pr. 80 "motor capacity" and Pr. 81 "number of motor poles".
Refer to the parameter details to set the parameters below.
1) Set "1" or "101" in Pr. 96
•When the setting is "1" . . . . .tuning performed without motor running
•When the setting is "101" . . .tuning performed with motor running
2) Set Pr. 9 "electronic thermal O/L relay".
When using the external thermal, change the Pr. 9 setting back to "0" after offline auto tuning. The electronic
thermal function is made invalid. Set "0" in Pr. 876 if the external thermal relay is not used.
3) Set the rated motor voltage (V) in Pr. 83.
4) Set the rated motor frequency (Hz) in Pr. 84.
5) Select the motor in Pr. 71.
•Mitsubishi standard motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr. 71 = "3"
•Mitsubishi constant torque motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr. 71 = "13"
•Mitsubishi standard motor SF-JR 4 poles (1.5kW or less) . . . . . . . . . Pr. 71 = "23"
•SF-V5RU, SF-VR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr. 71 = "33"
(2) Tuning command
After setting the above parameters, press or .
(For external operation, turn on the run command (STF, STR).)
z Note the following when "101" (offline auto tuning performed with motor running) is set in Pr. 96.
•Ensure safety when the motor starts running.
•Torque is not enough during tuning.
•The motor may be run at nearly its rated frequency (Pr. 84 setting) without any problem.
•The brake is open.
•When over current alarm (E.OC1, OC2, OC3) occurs, set acceleration time longer using Pr. 7.
•No external force is applied to rotate the motor.
If "1" (tuning performed without motor running) is set in Pr. 96, the motor may run slightly (However,
torque is not enough). Therefore, fix the motor securely with a mechanical brake, or before tuning,
make sure that there will be no problem in safety if the motor runs.
*This instruction must be followed especially in vertical lift applications.
Note that if the motor runs slightly, tuning performance is unaffected.
•During offline auto tuning, only the following I/O signals are valid:
Input signals (STOP, OH, MRS, RT, RES, STF, STR)
Output signals (RUN, OL, IPF, DA1, DA2, A, B, C)
Take extra precaution when designing a sequence where a mechanical brake is opened by the RUN
For the setting value, set the motor rating plate value. When using a motor having several rated values,
e.g. a standard motor, set a value for 200V/60Hz or 400V/60Hz.
To force tuning to end, use the MRS or RES signal or press . (The start signal may also be turned off to end.)
Excitation noise is produced during tuning.
When executing offline auto tuning, input the run command after switching on the main circuit power (R, S, T) of the inverter.