Parameter Instruction Code List
350 Stop position command selection 32 B2 3
351 Orientation switchover speed 33 B3 3
356 Internal stop position command 38 B8 3
357 In-position zone 39 B9 3
359 Orientation encoder rotation direction 3B BB 3
360 External position command selection 3C BC 3
361 Position shift 3D BD 3
362 Orientation position loop gain 3E BE 3
369 Number of orientation encoder pulses 45 C5 3
Control system
374 Overspeed detection level 4A CA 3
S-pattern C
380 Acceleration S pattern 1 50 D0 3
381 Deceleration S pattern 1 51 D1 3
382 Acceleration S pattern 2 52 D2 3
383 Deceleration S pattern 2 53 D3 3
Pulse train input
384 Input pulse division scaling factor 54 D4 3
385 Speed for zero input pulse 55 D5 3
386 Speed for maximum input pulse 56 D6 3
393 Orientation selection 5D DD 3
394 Number of machine side gear teeth 5E DE 3
395 Number of motor side gear teeth 5F DF 3
396 Orientation speed gain (P term) 60 E0 3
397 Orientation speed integral time 61 E1 3
398 Orientation speed gain (D term) 62 E2 3
399 Orientation deceleration ratio 63 E3 3
Extension inputs
400 DI11 terminal function selection 00 80 4
401 DI12 terminal function selection 01 81 4
402 DI13 terminal function selection 02 82 4
403 DI14 terminal function selection 03 83 4
404 DI15 terminal function selection 04 84 4
405 DI16 terminal function selection 05 85 4
406 High resolution analog input selection 06 86 4
407 Motor temperature detection filter 07 87 4
Additional function 408 Motor thermistor selection 08 88 4
Extension outputs
410 DO11 terminal function selection 0A 8A 4
411 DO12 terminal function selection 0B 8B 4
412 DO13 terminal function selection 0C 8C 4
413 Encoder pulse output division ratio 0D 8D 4
Position control
419 Position command source selection 13 93 4
420 Command pulse scaling factor numerator 14 94 4
421 Command pulse scaling factor denominator 15 95 4
422 Position loop gain 16 96 4
423 Position feed forward gain 17 97 4
Position command acceleration/deceleration time
18 98 4
425 Position feed forward command filter 19 99 4
426 In-position width 1A 9A 4
427 Excessive level error 1B 9B 4
428 Command pulse selection 1C 9C 4
429 Clear signal selection 1D 9D 4
430 Pulse monitor selection 1E 9E 4
Torque command
432 Pulse train torque command bias 20 A0 4
433 Pulse train torque command gain 21 A1 4
Position control
434 IP address 1 22 A2 4
435 IP address 2 23 A3 4
436 IP address 3 24 A4 4
437 IP address 4 25 A5 4
438 Sub-net mask 1 26 A6 4
439 Sub-net mask 2 27 A7 4
440 Sub-net mask 3 28 A8 4
441 Sub-net mask 4 29 A9 4
442 Gateway address 1 2A AA 4
443 Gateway address 2 2B AB 4
444 Gateway address 3 2C AC 4
445 Gateway address 4 2D AD 4
446 Password 2E AE 4
Torque command
447 Digital torque command bias 2F AF 4
448 Digital torque command gain 30 B0 4
Instruction Code
Link Parameter Expansion Setting
(Instruction code 7F/FF)
Read Write