List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
4.1 V.25ter
4.1.1 S3 Command line termination character
Command Response <n> values
S3=<n> 0..127 (default 13)
S3? <n> 000..127
The S3 command sets the decimal IA5 value of command line termination used by the DCE as a
part of the header, trailer, and terminator for result codes and information text, along with the S4
parameter (see the description of the V command for usage).
If the value of S3 is changed on a command line, the result code issued in response to that
command line will use the new value of S3. For example, if S3 was previously set to 13 and the
command line “ATS3=50” is issued, the result code issued will use the character with the ordinal
value 50 (IA5 3/2) in place of the CR.
4.1.2 S4 Response formatting character
Command Response <n> values
S4=<n> 0..127 (default 10)
S4? <n> 000..127
The S4 command sets the decimal IA5 value of the character generated by the DCE as a part of
the header, trailer, and terminator for result codes and information text, along with the S3
parameter (see the description of the V command for usage).
If the value of S4 is changed in a command line, the result code issued in response to that
command line will use the new value of S4.
4.1.3 S5 Command line editing character
Command response <n> values
S5=<n> 0..127 (default 8)
S5? <n> 000..127
The S5 command sets the decimal IA5 value of the character recognised by the DCE as a request
to delete the immediately preceding character from the command line.