List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
<mem1> memory from which messages are read and deleted (the commands List Messages
+CMGL, Read Message +CMGR and Delete Message +CMGD)
<mem2> memory to which writing and sending operations are made (the commands Send
Message from Storage +CMSS and Write Message to Memory +CMGW)
<mem3> memory to which received SMs are preferred to be stored (unless forwarded directly
to the TE; refer to the command New Message Indications +CNMI); the received
CBMs are always stored in the "BM" (or some manufacturer specific storage) unless
directly forwarded to the TE; the received status reports are always stored in the "SR"
(or a manufacturer specific storage) unless directly forwarded to the TE
"ME" ME message storage
"SM" SIM message storage
<usedx> integer type; the number of messages currently in <memx>
<totalx> integer type; the total number of message locations in <memx>
10.3 +CMGF Message format
Command Response Default
+CMGF=<mode> 0
+CMGF? +CMGF: <mode>
+CMGF=? +CMGF: (0,1)
The +CMGF command tells the Nokia 22 the input and output format of messages to be used.
<mode> indicates the format of the messages used with the send, list, read and write commands
and the unsolicited result codes resulting from the received messages. The mode can be either the
PDU mode (entire TP data units used) or the text mode (headers and body of the messages given
as separate parameters). The text mode uses the character set specified by the command Select
TE Character Set +CSCS to be used in the message body.
The test command returns the supported modes as a compound value.
Defined values
0 PDU mode
1 text mode
10.4 +CSCA Service centre address
Command Response Default
+CSCA=<sca>,<tosca> "",129
+CSCA? +CSCA: <sca>,<tosca>