List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
10.16 +CMMS More messages to send
Parameter Command Syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CMMS? +CMMS: <n>
+CMMS: (list of supported <n>s)
The set command controls the continuity of SMS relay protocol link. When the feature is enabled
(and supported by network), multiple messages can be sent much faster as the link is kept open.
The test command returns the supported values as a compound value.
Defined Values
0 disable
1 keep enabled until the time between the response of the latest message send command
(+CMGS, +CMSS, etc.) and the next send command exceeds 1-5 seconds (the exact value
is up to the ME implementation), then the ME shall close the link and the TA automatically
switches <n> back to 0
2 enable (if the time between the response of the latest message send command and the next
send command exceeds 1-5 seconds (the exact value is up to the ME implementation), the
ME shall close the link but the TA shall not automatically switch back to <n>=0)
An example of the sending of a default alphabet message in the text mode and a SMS-STATUS-
REPORT is wanted:
AT+CNMI? (check that status reports are routed to TE)
+CNMI: 2,1,0,1,0
AT+CSMP=32,167,0,0 (status report wanted; otherwise default settings)
AT+CMGS="+358501234567" (start editing a message)
> This the first line. (edit first line and press carriage return)
> This is the last line.^Z (edit second line and send message by pressing control-Z)
+CMGS: 10 (success: message reference 10 returned from SMSC)
+CDS: 2,10,"+358501234567",145,"95/07/04/13:12:14+04",
"95/07/04/13:12:20+04",0 (status report of successful message delivery received)
Storing an unsent message in the memory, sending it from there, and deleting it:
AT+CPMS? (check memory settings)
+CPMS: "ME",4,10,"ME",4,10,"ME",4,10
AT+CMGW="9501231234" (write message)
> This is the message body^Z
+CMGW: 7 (index number in storage returned)
AT+CMSS=7 (send from storage)
+CMSS: 12 (success: reference value 12 sent from SC)
AT+CMGD=7 (delete message)