List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
"SC" SIM (lock SIM card) (SIM asks for a password in an ME power-up and
when this lock command is issued)
"AO" BAOC (Barr All Outgoing Calls) (refer ti GSM02.88, clause 1)
"OI" BOIC (Barr Outgoing International Calls) (refer to GSM 02.88, clause 1)
"OX" BOIC-exHC (Barr Outgoing International Calls except for Home
Country) (refer to GSM 02.88, clause 1)
"AI" BAIC (Barr All Incoming Calls) (refer to GSM 02.88, clause 2)
"IR" BIC-Roam (Barr Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home
(refer to GSM 02.88, clause 2)
"AB" All Barring services (refer to GSM 02.30) (applicable only for
"AG" All outgoing barring services (refer to GSM 02.30) (applicable only for
"AC" All incoming barring services (refer to GSM 02.30) (applicable only for
"FD" SIM fixed dialling memory feature (if the PIN2 authentication is not done
during the current session, the PIN2 is required as <passwd>)
0 unlock
2 query status
0 not active
1 active
<passwd> string type; shall be the same as the password specified for the facility
from the Nokia 22 user interface or with the Change Password +CPWD
<classx> is a sum of integers each representing a class of information (the
default value 7 equals all classes):
1 voice (telephony)
2 data (usually refers to all bearer services; with <mode>=2 this may only
refer to some bearer service)
4 fax (facsimile services)