List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
14.3.3 +CR Data service report
Format Description
given when +CR=1 and data call established; informs about the type of data call being
The +CR intermediate result code is given after a possible +COLP result code during a MO data
call setup. During a MT data call setup, this is the first intermediate result code. Note that this
result code shall replace the CARRIER result code (when X5 is set). This result code is enabled
and disabled with the +CR command.
14.3.4 +CRING Distinctive ring
Format Description
+CRING: <type> Given when +CRC=1 and incoming MT call (no active or held calls in
This result code is enabled and disabled with the +CRC command.
NOTE: +CRING replaces the V.25ter RING result code.
Defined values
FAX facsimile (TS 62)
VOICE normal voice (TS 11)
REL ASYNC normal data
ASYNC normal data
VOICE/REL ASYNC voice followed by data (BS 81)
ALT VOICE/REL ASYNC alternating voice/data, voice first (BS 61)
ALT REL ASYNC/VOICE alternating voice/data, data first (BS 61)
ALT VOICE/FAX alternating voice/fax, voice first (TS 61)
ALT FAX/VOICE alternating voice/fax, fax first (TS 61)
14.3.5 +CLIP Calling line identification report
Format Description
+CLIP: <number>,<type> given when +CLIP=1 and number received from network when MT
call received (no active or held calls in ME)
The +CLIP result code is sent to the TE after every RING (or +CRING) result code. This result
code is enabled and disabled with the +CLIP command.
Defined values
<number> string type phone number of a format specified by <type>