List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
The +CPIN command sends a password to the Nokia 22 that is required for the operating the
Nokia 22 (SIM PIN, SIM PUK, PH-SIM PIN, etc.). Note that quotation marks must be used in this
command (e.g. AT+CPIN="1234").
If the required PIN is SIM PUK or SIM PUK2, <newpin> is required. <newpin> replaces the old pin
of the SIM.
The read command returns an alphanumeric string that indicates whether a password is required.
Defined values
<pin>, <newpin> string type values
READY ME is not pending for any password
SIM PIN ME is waiting for a SIM PIN
SIM PUK ME is waiting for a SIM PUK
PH-SIM PIN ME is waiting for a phone-to-SIM card password
PH-FSIM PIN ME is waiting for a phone-to-very first SIM card password
PH-FSIM PUK ME is waiting for a phone-to-very first SIM card unblocking password
SIM PIN2 ME is waiting for a SIM PIN2 (it is recommended that this <code> is
returned only if the last executed command resulted in a PIN2
authentication failure (i.e. +CME ERROR: 17); if the PIN2 is not entered
immediately after the failure, it is recommended that the ME should not
block its operation)
SIM PUK2 ME is waiting for a SIM PUK2 (it is recommended that this <code>
should be returned only if the last executed command resulted in a
PUK2 authentication failure (i.e. +CME ERROR: 18); if PUK2 and the
new PIN2 are not entered immediately after the failure, it is
recommended that the ME should not block its operation)
PH-NET PIN ME is waiting for a network personalisation password
PH-NET PUK ME is waiting for a network personalisation unblocking password
PH-NETSUB PIN ME is waiting for a network subset personalisation password
PH-NETSUB PUK ME is waiting for a network subset personalisation unblocking password
PH-SP PIN ME is waiting for a service provider personalisation password
PH-SP PUK ME is waiting for a service provider personalisation unblocking
PH-CORP PIN ME is waiting for a corporate personalisation password
PH-CORP PUK ME is waiting for a corporate personalisation unblocking password
8.5 +CSQ Signal quality
Command Response +cme error
+CSQ +CSQ: <rssi>,99 x
+CSQ=? +CSQ: (0-31,99),(99)
The +CSQ command returns the received signal strength indication <rssi>.