List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
The +CSAS command saves active message service settings to a non-volatile memory. The
settings specified in the commands Service Centre Address +CSCA, Set Message Parameters
+CSMP and Select Cell Broadcast Message Types +CSCB are saved. The SMSC address is not
stored if +CSCA is not set/restored during the current session (i.e. +CSCA? returns
+CSCA: "",129). The protocol id (<pid>), data coding scheme (<dcs>) and validity period (<vp>)
are not stored if the +CSMP parameter <fo> does not indicate SMS-SUBMIT (i.e. bits 1-0 are not
‘01’). In addition, the validity period is not stored if <fo> does not indicate the relative validity period
format (i.e. bits 4-3 are not ‘10’). The destination address or alpha tag cannot be stored through an
AT interface.
NOTE: The values that are not stored shall remain intact.
The test command shall display the supported profile numbers for reading and writing of settings.
10.9 +CRES Restore settings
Command Response Default +cms
+CRES=<profile> [1] x
+CRES=? +CRES: (0,1) x
The +CRES command restores message service settings from the non-volatile memory to the
active memory. The settings specified in the commands Service Centre Address +CSCA, Set
Message Parameters +CSMP and Select Cell Broadcast Message Types +CSCB are restored. If
the protocol id, data coding scheme or validity period is restored, the +CSMP parameter <fo> is
forced to be SMS-SUBMIT (i.e. bits 1-0 are set to ‘01’). In addition, if a validity period is restored,
<fo> is forced to indicate the relative validity period format (i.e. bits 4-3 are set to ‘10’). The rest of
the <fo> bits are set to zero.
The test command shall display the supported profile numbers.
10.10 +CNMI New message indications to TE
Command Response Default +cms
0,0,0,0,0 x
+CNMI? +CNMI: <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>
+CNMI=? +CNMI: (0-2),(0-3),(0,2,3),(0-2),(0,1)
The +CNMI command defines the procedure for indicating the receiving of new messages from the
network to the TE when the TE is active, e.g. DTR signal is ON. If the TE is inactive (e.g. DTR
signal is OFF), message receiving should be done as specified in GSM 03.38.
<mode> controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this command, <mt>
sets the result code indication routing for SMS-DELIVERs, <bm> for CBMs and <ds> for SMS-
STATUS-REPORTs. <bfr> defines the handling method for buffered result codes when <mode> 1
or 2 is enabled.
The test command gives the supported setting values.
Defined values