1-8-1 Improved Memory Capabilities
Internal Memory (UM) The C200HS CPUs come equipped with 16 KW of RAM in the PC itself, so a very
large memory capacity is available without purchasing a separate Memory Unit.
Furthermore, the Ladder Program Area has been increased to 15.2 KW.
Memory Cassettes Two types of Memory Cassettes are available for storage of data such as the
program. The PC can be set to transfer data from the Memory Cassette to UM
automatically when the PC is turned on.
Model Specifications
C200HS-ME16K 16-K Word EEPROM
C200HS-MP16K 16-K Word EPROM
Note C200H Memory Cassettes cannot be used in the C200HS.
Clock Function The C200HS CPUs have a built-in clock. It is not necessary to purchase a
Memory Unit equipped with a clock, as it was with the C200H-CPU21-E.
Increased SR Area In addition to the conventional areas of the C200H, the following areas have
been added for the internal auxiliary relays and special auxiliary relays of the
C200H. The SR area has been increased substantially to provide more work
words and words dedicated to new instructions. The SR area now ranges from
SR 236 to SR 299. (The SR area ends at SR 255 in C200H CPUs.) By using
additional areas, the user can use Special I/O Units and Remote I/O Units with-
out worrying the empty areas.
Conventional areas IR Area 1 (without I/O area): IR 030 to 235
SR Area 1: SR 236 to 255
Additional areas IR Area 2: IR 300 to 511
SR Area 2: SR 256 to 299
The number of operands and instruction execution time will be increased when
SR 256 to SR 511 are used in basic instructions.
Increased DM Area The Read/Write DM area has been increased substantially, too. It now ranges
from DM 0000 to DM 6143, compared to DM 0000 to DM 0999 in C200H CPUs.
The 6000 words from DM 0000 to DM 5999 are available for use in the program.
(DM 6000 to DM 6143 are used for the History Log and other functions.)
The Fixed DM Area, used to store initializing data for Special I/O Units, has been
decreased in size. It now contains the 512 words from DM 6144 to DM 6655,
compared to 1000 words (DM 1000 to DM 1999) in C200H CPUs.
On the other hand, up to 3000 words of UM can be allocated as expansion DM.
Expansion DM is allocated in 1000-word units in DM 7000 to DM 9999.
C200H data stored in words DM 1000 to DM 1999 can be used in C200HS PCs
by converting these 1000 words to ROM in the C200HS’s DM area (DM 7000 to
DM 7999) and then automatically transferring them to DM 1000 to DM 1999
when the C200HS is turned on.
1-8-2 Faster Execution Times
Instruction Execution Time Basic instructions in the C200HS are executed in !@2 of the time required in the
C200H. Other instructions are executed in just !@4 of the time.
END Processing Time The time required for the cycle’s overhead processes depend on the system
configuration, but these processes are executed in about !@4 of the time required
in the C200H.
Fixed DM and Expansion
DM Areas
New C200HS Features Section 1-8