OFF execution time (
µs)ON execution time (µs)
SFT(10) With 1-word shift register 47.06 R: 35.80
IL: 15.70
JMP: 15.60
With 100-word shift register 340.00 R: 256.80
IL: 15.72
JMP: 15.68
With 250-word shift register 800.00 R: 590.80
IL: 15.60
JMP: 15.66
KEEP(11) For IR and SR 23600 to SR 25515 0.563 0.563
For SR 25600 to SR 51115 0.938
CNTR(12) Constant for SV 38.20 R: 27.90
IL: 20.30
JMP: 20.30
:DM for SV 53.20 R: 28.00
IL: 20.30
JMP: 20.30
DIFU(13) --- 20.60 Normal: 20.60
IL: 20.40
JMP: 18.00
DIFD(14) --- 20.40 Normal: 20.40
IL: 20.20
JMP: 17.80
TIMH(15) Interrupt Constant for SV 32.20 R: 40.40
IL: 39.20
JMP: 24.90
Normal cycle 29.40 R: 36.30
IL: 35.20
JMP: 20.80
Interrupt :DM for SV 29.80 R: 59.80
IL: 58.60
JMP: 24.90
Normal cycle 27.40 R: 56.00
IL: 54.60
JMP: 20.80
WSFT(16) When shifting 1 word 36.90 3
When shifting 6,144 words using :DM 11.27 ms
CMP(20) When comparing a constant to a word 24.20 1.125
When comparing two words 26.40
When comparing two :DM 61.80
MOV(21) When transferring a constant to a word 19.00 1.125
When comparing two words 21.20
When transferring :DM to :DM 57.20
MVN(22) When transferring a constant to a word 20.20 1.125
When comparing two words 22.40
When transferring :DM to :DM 57.20
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3