7-1-16 Reading and Setting the Clock
This operation is used to read or set the CPU’s clock. The clock can be read in
any mode, but it can be set in MONITOR or PROGRAM mode only.
The CPU will reject entries outside of the acceptable range, i.e., 01 to 12 for the
month, 01 to 31 for the day of the month, 00 to 06 for the day of the week, or 00 to
60 for the seconds, but it will not recognize non-existent dates, such as 2/31.
The display will monitor the current date and time.
Press the Up and Down Arrow keys to move the
cursor through the data and time settings. Input
new values to change settings if necessary.
Press CLR to return to the initial display.
TIM CHG?93-01-06
14:26:01 FRI(5)
TIM CHG?93-01-06
14:26:00 FRI(5)
TIM CHG?93-01-06
14:25:59 FRI(5)
TIM CHG?93-01-06
14:25:58 FRI(5)
TIM 93-01-06
14:25:57 FRI(5)
Press CLR to bring up the initial display.
Press CHG to change the date and/or time. The “9”
in “93” will blink, indicating that it can be changed.
In this case, a “0” was input to replace the “8”.
7-1-17 Expansion Keyboard Mapping
This operation is used to control the ON/OFF status of bits SR 27700 through
SR 27909 by pressing keys on the Programming Console’s keyboard. The
C200HS also supports the C200H’s Keyboard Mapping operation, which con-
trols the status of bits in AR 22. These operations can be performed in any PC
mode, but the Programming Console must be in TERMINAL or expansion TER-
MINAL mode.
To enable expansion keyboard mapping, pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch and
AR 0709 must be ON and AR 0708 must be OFF.
Bits turned ON with this operation can be turned OFF by toggling AR 0708. Turn
AR 0709 OFF to stop expansion keyboard mapping and switch the Program-
ming Console from Expansion TERMINAL mode to CONSOLE mode.
TERMINAL Mode The Programming Console can be put into TERMINAL mode by pressing CHG
or executing TERM(48) in the program. Pin 6 of the CPU’s DIP switch must be
Switch the Programming Console to TERMINAL
mode by pressing CHG or executing TERM(48).
Press CHG again to return to CONSOLE mode.
Monitoring Operation and Modifying Data Section 7-1