OFF execution time (
µs)ON execution time (µs)
DMPX(77) When encoding a word to a word 48.90 1.5
When encoding :DM to :DM 185.90
SDEC(78) When decoding a word to a word 53.20 1.5
When decoding 2 digits :DM to :DM 113.60
When decoding 4 digits :DM to :DM 126.00
Word ÷ word → word (equals 0)
118.20 1.5
Word ÷ word → word (doesn’t equal 0)
:DM ÷ :DM → :DM
DIST(80) Constant → (word + (word)) 49.00 1.5
:DM → (:DM + (:DM)) 106.70
COLL(81) (Word + (word)) → word 52.90 1.5
(:DM + (:DM)) → :DM 113.50
MOVB (82) When transferring a constant to a word 38.60 1.5
When transferring word to a word 45.30
When transferring :DM to :DM 97.60
MOVD(83) When transferring a constant to a word 34.00 1.5
When transferring word to a word 41.00
When transferring :DM to :DM 97.60
SFTR(84) When shifting 1 word 48.40 1.5
When shifting 1,024 :DM using :DM 1.92 ms
When shifting 6,144 :DM using :DM 11.8 ms
TCMP(85) Comparing to words in a designated table 69.10 1.5
Comparing to words in a designated table 71.50
Comparing :DM → :DM-designated table
ASC(86) Between words 56.90 1.5
Between :DM 133.50
SEND(90) 1-word transmit 563 3.75
1000-word transmit 752
SBS(91) --- 37.6 2.25
SBN(92) --- --- ---
RET(93) --- 45.6 13.7
WDT(94) --- 17.60 0.75
IORF(97) 1-word refresh 130.70 1.125
30-word refresh 2.27 ms
RECV(98) 1-word refresh 559 3.75
1000-word refresh 764
MCRO(99) Designating a word parameter 91.00 1.5
Designating a :DM parameter 125.80
ASFT(––) When resetting 1 word 43.60 1.5
Default code: (17) When shifting 1 word using :DM 50.30
When shifting 10 word using :DM 68.80
SCAN(––) Constant for SV 31.80 1.5
Default code: (18) :DM for SV 51.20
MCMP(––) Comparing 2 words, result word 104.30 1.5
Default code: (19) Comparing 2 :DM, result :DM 159.30
LMSG(––) Word for SV 104.30 1.5
Default code: (47) :DM for SV 159.30
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3