Code Item Meaning
00 Normal end Processing ended normally.
01 Parameter error Parameters for network communication instruction is
not within acceptable ranges.
02 Unable to send Unit reset during command processing or local node
in not in network.
03 Destination not in
Destination node is not in network.
04 Busy error The destination node is processing data and cannot
receive the command.
05 Response timeout The response monitoring time was exceeded.
06 Response error There was an error in the response received from
the destination node.
07 Communications
controller error
An error occurred in the communications controller.
08 Setting error There is an error in the node address settings.
09 PC error An error occurred in the CPU of the destination
Code Item Meaning
00 Normal end Processing ended normally.
01 Parameter error Parameters for network communication instruction is
not within acceptable ranges.
02 Routing error There is a mistake in the routing tables for
connection to a remote network.
03 Busy error The destination node is processing data and cannot
receive the command.
04 Send error (token
The token was not received from the Line Server.
05 Loop error An error occurred in the communications loop.
06 No response The destination node does not exist or the response
monitoring time was exceeded.
07 Response error There is an error in the response format.
Data Link Status SR 238 to SR 245 contain the data link status for SYSMAC LINK/SYSMAC NET
Systems. The data structure depends on the system used to create the data link.
level 0
level 1
12 to 15 11 to 08 04 to 07 00 to 03
SR 238 SR 242 Node 4 Node 3 Node 2 Node 1
SR 239 SR 243 Node 8 Node 7 Node 6 Node 5
SR 240 SR 244 Node 12 Node 11 Node 10 Node 9
SR 241 SR 245 Node 16 Node 15 Node 14 Node 13
Leftmost bit Rightmost bit
1: PC RUN status
1: PC CPU error 1: Communica-
tions error
1: Data link
SR Area Section 3-4