3-9 LR (Link Relay) Area
The LR area is used as a common data area to transfer information between
PCs. This data transfer is achieved through a PC Link System.
Certain words will be allocated as the write words of each PC. These words are
written by the PC and automatically transferred to the same LR words in the
other PCs in the System. The write words of the other PCs are transferred in as
read words so that each PC can access the data written by the other PCs in the
PC Link System. Only the write words allocated to the particular PC will be avail-
able for writing; all other words may be read only. Refer to the
PC Link System
for details.
The LR area is accessible either by bit or by word. LR area word addresses
range from LR 00 to LR 63; LR area bit addresses, from LR 0000 to LR 6315. Any
part of the LR area that is not used by the PC Link System can be used as work
words or work bits.
LR area data is not retained when the power is interrupted, when the PC is
changed to PROGRAM mode, or when it is reset in an interlocked program sec-
tion. Refer to
for details on interlocks.
3-10 UM Area
With the C200HS, the UM area is defined as the part of memory that can be con-
verted and transferred to ROM. The UM area is 16 KW of RAM which is backed
up by the CPU’s battery. Some of the UM area is reserved to system use, so
15,488 words can be used by the operator. The structure of the C200HS DM and
UM areas is shown in the following illustration.
DM 0000 DM 6144 DM 6600 DM 6655 DM 7000 DM 9999
PC Setup Reserved
DM Area
I/O Comment
Ladder program
Variable size
Ladder Program Area (15.1 KW)Fixed DM Area
UM Area (16.0 KW)Normal DM Area
Special I/O Unit Default Area
DM 1000 to DM 1999
Note Allocating UM area for an expansion DM and/or I/O Comment Area will reduce
program capacity. Check program capacity requirements before allocating the
UM area.
3-11 TR (Temporary Relay) Area
The TR area provides eight bits that are used only with the LD and OUT instruc-
tions to enable certain types of branching ladder diagram programming. The use
of TR bits is described in
Section 4 Writing and Inputting the Program
TR addresses range from TR 0 though TR 7. Each of these bits can be used as
many times as required and in any order required as long as the same LR bit is
not used twice in the same instruction block.
TR Area Section 3-11