4. Turn on the CPU.
5. If the desired program or UM Area data is not already in the CPU, write the
data or transfer it to the CPU.
6. Switch the C200HS to PROGRAM mode.
7. Turn ON SR 27000 from the LSS or a Programming Console. The UM Area
data will be written to the Memory Card and SR 27000 will be turned OFF
Reading Data The following procedures are used to read UM Area data from a Memory Cas-
sette mounted in the C200HS CPU to the CPU. This can be achieved either au-
tomatically when the C200HS is turned on or manually from a Programming De-
Automatic Reading at Startup
1, 2, 3...
1. Turn ON pin 2 on the CPU’s DIP switch to enable reading at startup.
2. Make sure that power to the C200HS CPU is turned OFF.
3. Mount the Memory Cassette containing the data to be read to the CPU.
4. Turn on the CPU. The data in the Memory Cassette will be read to the CPU.
Manual Reading
1, 2, 3...
1. Make sure that power to the C200HS CPU is turned OFF.
2. Mount the Memory Cassette containing the data to be read to the CPU.
3. Turn on the CPU.
4. Switch the C200HS to PROGRAM mode.
5. Turn ON SR 27001 from the LSS or a Programming Console. The data in the
Memory Cassette will be read to the CPU and SR 27001 will be turned OFF
Comparing Data The following procedure is used to compare the UM Area data in a Memory Cas-
sette to the UM Area data in the CPU.
1, 2, 3...
1. Make sure that power to the C200HS CPU is turned OFF.
2. Mount the Memory Cassette containing the data to be compared.
3. Turn on the CPU.
4. Switch the C200HS to PROGRAM mode.
5. Turn ON SR 27002 from the LSS or a Programming Console. The data in the
Memory Cassette will be compared to the data in CPU and SR 27002 will be
turned OFF automatically.
6. Read the status of SR 27003 to determine the results of the comparison. If
SR 27003 is OFF, the data in the Memory Cassette is the same as that in the
CPU. If SR 27003 is ON, either the data is different or the C200HS was not in
PROGRAM mode when the operation was performed.
Note 1. SR 27003 is used only to show the results of comparisons and cannot be
manipulated by the user.
2. If the comparison operation is executed in any but PROGRAM mode, SR
27002 will turn ON, as will SR 27003. In this case, the status of SR 27003 will
be meaningless.
3. SR 273003 will turn ON if the comparison operation is used without a
Memory Cassette mounted to the CPU.
9-4 IOM Area Data
The following procedures can be used to read IOM data from and write IOM data
to an EEPROM Memory Cassette mounted to a C200HS CPU. IOM data in-
cludes IR 000 to IR 231, the two work areas, the two SR Areas, the LR Area, the
HR Area, the AR Area, the TC Area, and DM 0000 to DM 6143. This procedure
cannot be used to write to EPROM Memory Cassettes, which require a PROM
writer. Refer to the LSS operation manuals for PROM writer procedures.
IOM Area Data Section 9-4