
Installing the documentation
ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide 9
# rpm -Uv psmgmt.5.0.0-0.i586.rpm pscom.5.0.0-0.i586.rpm \
This will copy all the necessary files to /opt/parastation and the kernel modules to /lib/modules/
On a frontend node or file server, the pscom-modules package is only required, if this node should run
processes of a parallel task. If the frontend or fileserver node is not configured to run compute processes of
parallel tasks, the installation of the pscom-modules package may be skipped. For details how to configure
frontend nodes, refer to Section 4.1, “Configuration of the ParaStation system”.
To enable the ParaStation version of the e1000 or bcm5700 network drivers, rename (or delete) the
original version of this driver in use which is typically located in the system directory /lib/modules/
kernelversion/kernel/kernel/drivers/net/e1000 or bcm, respectively. See modinfo e1000
for details. The module dependency database must be rebuild using the command depmod. See
Section 4.2, “Enable optimized network drivers” for details.
It is not required to use the ParaStation version of the e1000 or bcm5700 driver,
as the p4sock protocol of ParaStation is able to use every network driver within the
Linux kernel. However, to increase performance and to minimize latency, it's highly
Using the provided drivers does not influence other network communication.
While installing the ParaStation management RPM, the file /etc/xinetd/psidstarter is installed. This
enables remote startup of ParaStation daemons using the xinetd(8).
The xinetd daemon will be triggered to read this file by executing:
/etc/init.d/xinetd reload
Refer to Section 5.22, “Changing the default ports for psid(8)” on how to change the default network port
used by the psid(8).
In case the system still uses the older xinet(8) server to startup network services, please add the following
lines to /etc/services:
# ParaStation daemon
psid stream tcp nowait root /opt/parastation/bin/psid psid
Add the next lines to /etc/inetd.conf:
# ParaStation entries
psid 888/tcp # ParaStation Daemon Start Port
# end of ParaStation entries
3.4. Installing the documentation
The ParaStation5 documentation is delivered in three formats: As PDF files, a browseable HTML
documentation and manual pages for all ParaStation5 commands and configuration files.
In order to install the documentation files an up to date version of the documentation package psdoc has to
be retrieved. It can be found in the download section of the ParaStation homepage. The package is called
psdoc and the architecture is noarch, since this part is platform independent. The name of this package
follows the conventions of all other packages building the ParaStation5 distribution.
To install the package, simply execute