
Installing MPI
10 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
# rpm -Uv psdoc-5.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
All the PDF and HTML files will be installed within the directory /opt/parastation/doc, the manual
pages will reside in /opt/parastation/man.
The intended starting point to browse the HTML version of the documentation is file:///opt/
The documentation is available in two PDF files called adminguide.pdf for the ParaStation5
Administrator's Guide and userguide.pdf for the ParaStation5 User's Guide. Both can be found in the
directory /opt/parastation/doc/pdf.
In order to enable the manual pages to the users please consult the documentation of the man(1) command
and the remark in Section 3.2, “Directory structure”, on how to do this.
3.5. Installing MPI
The standard for the implementation of parallel applications on distributed memory machines like clusters
is MPI, the Message Passing Interface. In order to enable a ParaStation5 cluster for the development and
execution of MPI programs, the installation of an adapted version of MPIch2 is necessary. A corresponding
RPM packet can be found within the download section of the ParaStation homepage.
The corresponding package psmpi2 follows the common naming conventions of all ParaStation5 packets.
Beside the plain MPI package (psmpi2), which is compiled using the GNU gcc compiler, other versions
of the MPI packet are available, which are built using different compilers like the PGI or Intel compilers on
the Intel IA32 platform, the Intel compiler on the IA64 platform and the PGI, Intel and Pathscale compiler
on X86_64 platform. These packets of course will depend on the corresponding compilers to be installed.
Keep in mind that the use of this compilers might require further licenses.
After downloading the correct MPI package make sure to be root. In order to install MPIch for ParaStation5
from the rpm file, the command
# rpm -Uv psmpi2.5.0.0-1.i586.rpm
must be executed.
The command will extract the ParaStation5 MPI package to the directory /opt/parastation/mpi2.
In order to enable the MPI commands to the users make sure that the directory /opt/parastation/
mpi2/bin is included into the system wide PATH environment variable. Furthermore the administrator
might want to enable the MPI manual pages for all users. These pages reside in /opt/parastation/
mpi2/man. Please consult the documentation of the man(1) command and the remark in Section 3.2,
“Directory structure” on how to do this.
In general, all versions of ParaStation5 MPI supporting different compilers can be installed in parallel. The
files will be copied to the directories /opt/parastation/mpi2 (for GNU gcc), /opt/parastation/
mpi2-intel (for Intel compiler) or /opt/parastation/mpi2-pgi (for Portland Group compiler),
depending on the compiler version supported by the MPI package.
3.6. Further steps
The previous chapter described the basic installation of ParaStation5. There are still some steps to do,
configuration of the ParaStation5 system