64 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
-d , --debug=level
Activate the debugging mode and set the debugging level to level. If debugging is enabled, i.e. if
level is larger than 0 and option -l is set to stdout, no fork(2) is made on startup, which is usually
done in order to run psid as a daemon process in background.
The debugging level of the daemon can also be modified during runtime using the set psiddebug
command of psiadmin(1).
Be aware of the fact that high values of level lead to excessively much debugging output spoiling
the syslog(3) or the logfile.
-f , --configfile=file
Choose file to be the ParaStation configuration file. The default is to use /etc/
-l , --logfile=file
Choose file to be the destination for logging output. file may be the name of an ordinary file or
stdin or stdout. The default is to use syslog(3) for any logging output.
-v , --version
Output version information and exit.
-? , --help
Show a help message.
Display a brief usage message.
See also
parastation.conf(5), psiadmin(1), mlisten(1)