
36 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
The following five types of parameters within the Hardware environment will get a special handling from
the ParaStation daemon psid(8). These define different script files called in order to execute various
operations towards the corresponding communication hardware.
All these entries have the form of the parameter's name followed by the corresponding value. The value
might be enclosed by single or double quotes in order to allow a space within.
The values are interpreted as absolute or relative paths. Relative paths will be looked up relative to
InstallDir. If one or more of the scripts are not defined, no corresponding action will take place
for this hardware.
Define a script called in order to startup the corresponding communication hardware. This script
will be executed when the daemon starts up or after a reset of the communication hardware.
Define a script called in order to shutdown the corresponding communication hardware. This script
will be executed when the daemon exits or before a reset of the communication hardware.
Define a script called in order to set special parameters on the corresponding communication
Define a script called in order to get a status message from the corresponding communication
hardware. This is mainly used in order to generate the lines shown be the status counter directive
of the ParaStation administration tool psiadmin(1).
Define a script called in order to get a header line for the status message produced by the above
discussed statusscript .
All further parameters defined within a Hardware section are interpreted as environment variables
when calling the above defined scripts. Again these parameters have the form of the parameters name
- interpreted as the environments variables name - followed by the corresponding value. The values
might be single strings not containing whitespace characters or enclosed by single or double quotes,
The impact of the environment variables on the scripts of course depend on the scripts itself.
Various hardware types are defined within the template configuration file coming with the ParaStation
software distribution. These hardware types, the corresponding scripts and the environment variables
the scripts understand are briefly discussed within the following lines.
Shared memory will be used as hardware type for communication within a SMP
node. As there are no options for this kind of hardware, no dedicated section is
Use classical TCP/IP communication over Ethernet via an optimized MPI implementation.
Since TCP/IP has to be configured before ParaStation starts up, the corresponding script
ps_ethernet has almost nothing to do and hence does not understand a single environment