
Integration with AFS
24 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
5.14. Integration with AFS
To run parallel tasks spawned by ParaStation on clusters using AFS, ParaStation provides the scripts
env2tok and tok2env.
On the frontend side, calling
. tok2env
will create an environment variable AFS_TOKEN containing an encoded access token for AFS. This variable
must be added to the list of exported variables
In addition, the variable
must be set. This will call the script env2tok before running the actual program on each node. Env2tok
itself will decode the token and will setup the AFS environment.
The commands SetToken and GetToken, which are part of the AFS package, must
be available on each node. Also, the commands uuencode and uudecode must be
Script tok2env:
IFS=" "
export AFS_TOKEN=`GetToken | uuencode /dev/stdout`
Script env2tok:
IFS=" "
echo $AFS_TOKEN | uudecode | SetToken
exec $*
5.15. Integrating external queuing systems
ParaStation can be easily integrated with batch queuing and scheduling systems. In this case, the queuing
system will decide, where (and when) to run a parallel task. ParaStation will then start, monitor and terminate
the task. In case of higher prioritized jobs, the batch system may also suspend a task using the ParaStation
signal forwarding.
Integration is done by setting up ParaStation environment variables, like PSI_HOSTFILE. ParaStation itself
need not be modified in any way. It is not necessary to use a remote shell (rsh) to start mpirun on the first
node of the selected partition. The batch system should only run the command on the same node where
the batch system is running, ParaStation will start all necessary processes on the remote nodes. For details
about spawning processes refer to ParaStation5 User's Guide.