ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide 29
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting
This chapter provides some hints to common problems seen while installing or using ParaStation5. Of
course, more help will be provided by <support@par-tec.com>.
6.1. Problem: psiadmin returns error
When starting up the ParaStation admin command psiadmin, an error is reported:
# psiadmin
PSC: PSC_startDaemon: connect() fails: Connection refused
Reason: the local ParaStation daemon could not be contacted. Verify that the psid(8) daemon is up and
running. Check if the daemon is known to the xinetd:
# netstat -ant | grep 888
tcp 0 0 *:888 *:* LISTEN
If no "listening" socket is reported, check that the ParaStation daemon is configured within the xinet(8)
configuration. Check the file /etc/xinet.d/psidstarter.
If this is ok, reload xinetd:
# kill -HUP pid of xinetd
If everything seems to be ok up to now, check for recent entries within the log file/var/log/
messages. Be aware, the log facility can be modified using the LogDestination within the config file
parastation.conf. Look for lines like
Mar 24 17:19:12 pan psid[7361]: Starting ParaStation DAEMON
Mar 24 17:19:12 pan psid[7361]: Protocol Version 329
Mar 24 17:19:12 pan psid[7361]: (c) Cluster Competence \
Center GmbH
These lines indicate a normal startup of the psid. Other messages may indicate problems found by the
psid, e.g. errors within the configuration file.
If the error message
Mar 24 17:19:12 pan psid[7361]: too many nodes.
is found, verify that the number of announced nodes is equal (or greater) than the number of defined nodes.
See NrOfNodes within the config file parastation.conf.
6.2. Problem: node shown as "down"
Maybe the node is currently not available (shutdown or crashed), or the network connection to this node
is not available.
Try to ping this node. If ok, try to startup ParaStation. From an other node, "add" this node:
psiadmin> add nodeid