Authentication within ParaStation5
22 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
Don't use shared memory for communication within the same node.
Don't use ParaStation p4sock protocol for communication.
Don't use Mellanox InfiniBand vapi for communication.
Don't use OpenIB InfiniBand vapi for communication.
Don't use GM (Myrinet) for communication.
Don't use DAPL for communication.
To disable the particular transport, the corresponding variable must be set to 0, to enable a transport, the
variable must be set to 1 or the variable must not be defined.
It is not possible to dynamically disable TCP as a communication path. TCP, if configured, is always used
as a last resort for communication.
Using the environment variable PSP_LIB, it is possible to define the communication library to use,
independent of the variables mentioned above. This library must match the currently available interconnect
and protocol, otherwise an error will occur.
The library name must be specified using the full path and filename, e.g.
export PSP_LIB=/opt/parastation/lib64/libpscomopenib.so
This variable is automatically exported to all processes started by ParaStation. Refer to Section 5.1,
“ParaStation5 pscom communication library” for a full list of available library variants.
If more than one path for a particular interconnect exist, e.g. if the nodes are connected by two Gigabit
Ethernet networks in parallel, it is desirable to pretend the interface and therefore the network to be used
for application data. To do so, the environment variable PSP_NETWORK has to be defined.
Assuming the network is dedicated to management data and the network
is intended for application data, the following configuration within parastation.conf would re-direct the
application data to the network
Nodes {
node0 0 #
node1 1 #
Refer to ps_environment(5) for details.
5.9. Authentication within ParaStation5
Whenever a process of a parallel task is spawned within the cluster, ParaStation does not authenticate the
user. Only the user and group ID is copied to the remote node and used for starting up processes.
Thus, it is not necessary for the user to be known by the compute node, e.g. having an entry in /etc/
passwd. On the contrary, the administrator may disallow logins for users by removing the entries from /