Configuring an M2PA System 119
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
Understanding Parameters for Hardware Adapters
Creating Line Interfaces
Line interface is a generic term for TDM physical interfaces. The SmartNode 10200 Series supports three types
physical interfaces: T1/E1/J1 interfaces, DS3 interfaces, and Oc3/STM1 interfaces.
To create a new line interface:
1. Se
lect Tdm Interfaces-->Line Interfaces from the navigation panel:
Figure 162. TDM Interfaces > Line Interfaces
2. Click Create New Line Interface to create a single interface, or Create Multiple Line Interfaces to create
many interfaces at once:
Figure 163. Line Interface List
3. Create the new line interface:
–Enter a na
me for the interface
–Set a typ
e for the interface
Table 28. Configuration Parameters for New Hardware Adapters
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
Serial Defines a product serial number, when creating a new hardware device. Enter-
ing characters into the Serial field will cause the number to auto-complete.
Adapter Type Specifies the type of hardware device being created, when adding a new
adapter. Possible values: TMP/TMS
Graceful Upgrade
Sets a maximal delay for calls to terminate normally before an adapter is
Location Identifies the physical location of a hardware adapter
Description Describes the purpose of a particular hardware adapter
Target State Sets the live state of a hardware adapter. Possible values: