Configuring the ISUP Layer 98
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 4 • Configuring SS7 Signaling
Understanding Parameters for ISUP Networks
Creating an ISUP User Part
After you have created your ISUP network, you must create a new ISUP user part. The user part is the con-
tainer for the multiple ISUP interfaces. One user part is required for each protocol variant.
Multiple ISUP user parts can be instantiated within a single ISUP
protocol layer. This allows a user application
to interface with multiple SS7 ISUP protocol variants at the same time. Only one ISUP user part is required
for a specific variant as it can be assigned to multiple ISUP networks.
A user part can easily be seen as a protocol variant that a host application wants to use on the SS7 network.
To create an ISUP user part:
1. Cl
ick Create New Isup Userpart in the ISUP stack configuration window:
Figure 138. Editing Userparts
2. Configure the new ISUP user part:
–Enter a na
me for the user part
– Select a prot
ocol variant (depending on location)
– Select an MTP3
sub service field (the same that was previously set for MTP3)
– Select an a
ddress indicator type
– Select a Nu
mbering Plan
Table 24. Configuration Parameters for New ISUP Network
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
Type of Network to Bind Indicates the type of network to associate with an ISUP Network
Possible values: MTP3/M3UA
MTP3 Network Associates an MTP3 network with a higher level network in an SS7 system
M3UA Network Associates an MTP3 network with a higher level network in an SS7 system