Configuring an M2PA System 145
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
Understanding Parameters for ISUP CIC Groups
Creating a NAP (SIGTRAN)
After you have created an ISUP CIC group, you must create a network access point, in order to finish config-
uring your system. A Network Access Point (NAP) represents the entry point to another network or destina-
tion peer.
To create a network access point (NAP):
1. Cl
ick NAP in the navigation panel:
Figure 221. Menu: NAP
2. Click Create New NAP:
Figure 222. Edit NAP List
3. Configure the new NAP:
–Enter a na
me for the NAP
– Select a u
ser-created profile, if not, select default
Table 46. Configuration Parameters for New ISUP CIC Group
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
First CIC Sets a value for the first circuit identification code in an ISUP CIC group
Line Service Indicates which TDM line service is to be associated with the object being cre-
Timeslots Allows the selection of individual voice or data channels of a line. Values for
this parameter are listed as check boxes (ranging from 1-24). Individual
timeslots can be selected by checking the boxes. Occasionally, all timeslots can
be selected at once by clicking the Select All link.
Call Control Sets a call control method for ISUP CIC groups. Possible values: