Creating an IP Port Range 210
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 7 • Configuring H.248
Creating an IP Port Range
Creating an IP port range
After you have properly allocated all of your system's phy
sical interfaces, you must create a new IP port range.
1. Cl
ick IP Interfaces in the navigation panel:
Figure 361. Menu: IP Interfaces
2. In the IP Interfaces window, click Create New Port Range:
Figure 362. Editing Port Ranges
3. Create the new IP port range:
–Enter a na
me for the port range
– Select an IP i
–Enter a po
rt min value (must be at least 1024)
–Enter a port max value
GENERATE_LOS Generate Loss
of Signal
This forces the transmit line to stop sending. This is the second-best
thing to disconnecting
the line interface physi-
LOCAL Local Loopback All received traffic is dropped. The traffic sent
is re-routed internally.
Never. Used for inter-
nal testing only
Table 84. Loopback Types
Loopback Type Description Behavior Use