Allocating Physical Interfaces 51
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 3 • Configuring an ISDN-SIP Gateway
2. In the IP Interfaces window, click Create New Port Range:
Figure 52. Editing Port Ranges
3. Create the new IP port range:
–Enter a na
me for the port range
– Select an IP i
–Enter a po
rt min value (must be at least 1024)
–Enter a po
rt max value
–Click Cre
Figure 53. Creating a New Port Range
4. Verify that the "Port Range was successfully created" message appears:
Figure 54. Confirmation Message for Port Range
Understanding Parameters for IP Port Ranges
Table 5. Configuration Parameters for New IP Port Ranges
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
IP Interface Identifies an IP interface that is to be associated with the structure being created
Port Min Sets a minimum value for an IP port range. Since only even-numbered ports will be
used to send RTP over, it is recommended that the Port Min value be at least 1000
Port Max Sets a maximum value for an IP port range. Since only even-numbered ports will be
used to send RTP over, it is recommended that the Port Min value be at least 1000.
Ex.: 10000-20000 --> 5000 connections