Configuring an M3UA System on IP Signaling Points 169
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
Understanding Parameters for M3UA SAPs
Creating an M3UA Network
After you have created M3UA SAPs, you must create a new M
3UA network to be used with them. To create
an M3UA network:
1. Cl
ick Create New M3ua Network in the M3UA configuration panel:
Figure 277. M3UA Networks List
2. Configure the new M3UA network:
–Enter a na
me for the network
– Select a prot
ocol type
– Select a s
ub-service field
– Select a
Destination Point Code (DPC )length
– Select an Signa
ling Link Selection (SLS) range
–Click Cre
Figure 278. Creating the New M3UA Network
3. Verify that the "M3ua Network was successfully created" message displays.
Figure 279. Successful M3UA Network Message
Table 62. Configuration Parameters for New M3UA SAPs
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
SCTP Adapter Defines a virtual adapter for a service access point (SAP) in a system using
SIGTRAN protocols
SCTP Source Port Defines a source port for a service access point (SAP) in a system using
SIGTRAN protocols