
Configuring an M2PA System 143
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 5 • Configuring SIGTRAN Applications
2. Configure the new ISUP interface:
–Enter a na
me for the interface
Select an ISU
P user part
Select an ISU
P network
Select a tr
unk type
Select an orig
inating point code (OPC)
Select a desti
nation point code (DPC)
–Click Cre
Figure 216. Creating the New ISUP Interface
3. Verify that the "IsupInterface was successfully created" message displays.
Figure 217. Successful ISUP Interface Message
Understanding Parameters for ISUP Interfaces
Table 45. Configuration Parameters for New ISUP Interface
Parameter Description
Name Used by the Web Portal to indicate a specific object or string in the system
ISUP User Part Associates an ISUP user part with an ISUP interface
ISUP Network Associates an ISUP network with an ISUP interface
OPC Associates an object with an originating point code (OPC)
DPC Associates an object with a destination point code (DPC)