C624M-C (5/06) 107
Up to five motion detection profiles can be defined for each camera. When the DX8000 is scheduled to record motion detection, motion sensed
in the selected zone will result in video data being recorded for that channel. Motion detection can also be used to trigger relays, PTZ presets,
and recording on multiple cameras. Refer to Schedule Setup on page 122 and Link Setup on page 111 for more information.
To define motion detection profiles for the selected camera:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog opens to the Camera page.
2. To set up the motion grid, do the following:
a. Select the motion zone (1-5) from the drop-down box.
b. Click the Hide/Show button to either hide or display the motion grid.
c. Move the Number of Blocks slider to change the grid size of the motion overlay.
3. Define the area for motion detection as follows:
a. Click Clear All to remove the currently defined motion detection area.
b. Click Select All to enable motion detection for the entire viewable area.
c. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to select areas.
d. Hold down the right mouse button and drag to deselect areas.
4. In the Motion Detection section, move the Sensitivity slider to adjust motion sensitivity. Moving the slider to the left decreases motion
sensitivity; moving the slider to the right increases sensitivity.
5. Click Apply.
Figure 72. Camera Motion Detection Setup