C624M-C (5/06) 201
The DX8000 can be configured to send e-mail notifications alerting users of motion, alarm, and video loss events. Users with Power User access
and higher can configure e-mail notification. Notifications can be sent to a single e-mail address or a group of addresses either immediately after
an event occurs or periodically according to a predefined schedule. You can configure up to 32 e-mail groups. Up to 32 members can be assigned
to each e-mail group.
Before sending notifications, you must provide information about your e-mail server and establish what events—motion, alarm, and video loss
that you want to include in the e-mail message. Timing and frequency of the e-mail notifications must also be set. You should test the e-mail
notification function immediately after configuration to ensure your system is set up correctly.
• To use emergency e-mail notification, the DX8000 Series DVR must be connected to a local area network (LAN) that maintains an SMTP
mail server. The network must also be connected to either an intranet or the Internet depending on the location of the e-mail accounts to
which you want to send notifications. Consult your network administrator for information on configuring e-mail notification on your local
• DX8000 version 2.0 does not support Google Gmail.
This section describes how to set up emergency e-mail notification and includes the following topics:
• Accessing the Emergency Agent Notification Setup on page 198
• Configuring Emergency E-Mail Notification on page 201
• Setting Up the Time Period on page 204
• Sending E-Mail Notifications on page 210
To access the emergency e-mail notification setup:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The Notification page is displayed.
3. Click the Emergency E-mail Notification Setup tab.
This section describes how to set up emergency e-mail notification and includes the following topics:
• Enabling or Disabling E-Mail Notification on page 201
• Setting Up the E-Mail Server on page 202
• Testing E-Mail Notification on page 203
Enabling or Disabling E-Mail Notification
To enable or disable emergency e-mail notification:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The Notification page is displayed.
3. Click the Emergency E-mail Notification Setup tab.
4. In the Emergency E-mail Notification page, do one of the following:
• Click the Enable Notification radio button to enable e-mail notification.
• Click the Disable Notification radio button to disable e-mail notification.