156 C624M-C (5/06)
DB DEBIT CARD (amount tendered with debit, ATM or credit) RA RCVD ON ACCT (customer payment toward charge account
DC DRAWER CLOSED (no display) RF REFUND (payment of refund to customer)
DD DISCOUNT (discount entered as absolute amount) RT RETURN (merchandise returned)
DO DRAWER OPEN (no display) ST SUBTOTAL (sale subtotal)
DP DEPOSIT (deposit amount paid pending purchase) SX TAXABLE AMT (taxable subtotal)
DR DEPOSIT RETURN (deposit return) TI CURRENT TIME (displays description field)
DS PCT DISCOUNT (discount as percentage of cost or total) TK TRANSACTION RECEIPT NUMBER (displays description field)
EI EMPLOYEE SIGN ON (to register) TN Tim Norris (publicly viewable)
EO EMPLOYEE SIGN OFF (register) TR NEGATIVE TOTAL (negative amount as the total)
FC COMPLIMENTARY (complimentary or on-the-house charge) TT TOTAL (total amount due)
FS FOODSTAMPS (amount tendered in food stamps, WIC, and
so forth)
TX TAX (tax amount)
GA PREPAID GAS (gasoline prepayment after pumping) VD ERROR CORRECT (void of last item entered)
GP GAS PREPAID (gasoline prepayment) VX VOID (correction of entered item within current transaction)
Table AS. Action Codes (Continued)
Code Description Code Description