204 C624M-C (5/06)
The DX8000 can be configured to send e-mail notifications on a periodic basis, such as once every ten minutes. This sections describes how to
set up the time period and includes the following topics:
• Configuring E-Mail Notification Frequency on page 204
• Setting the Time of Day on page 204
• Sending E-Mail Notifications In Response to Motion Events on page 205
• Sending E-Mail Notifications In Response to Alarm Events on page 205
• Sending E-Mail Notifications In Response to Video Loss Events on page 206
Configuring E-Mail Notification Frequency
Depending on the volume of motion, alarm, or video loss events that are detected by the DX8000, the number of e-mail notifications can be far
too many to manage effectively. To keep the number of e-mails sent by the DX8000 at a manageable level, the e-mail notification frequency can
be adjusted. When events have been detected, e-mail notifications can be sent out in intervals from once per minute up to once every six hours.
If no events have been detected during the specified frequency interval, no notification will be sent. Each e-mail notification will include
information about the first event detected during the interval, the last event detected during the interval, and a still image (in JPEG format) of the
last event.
To configure notification frequency:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The Notification page is display.
3. Click the Emergency E-mail Notification Setup tab.
4. In the Frequency section, select the frequency interval from the drop-down box. Options are sending an e-mail notification once every
•1 minute
• 10 minutes
• 30 minutes
• 1 hour
• 3 hours
• 6 hours
Setting the Time of Day
To set the time of day during which e-mail notifications will be sent:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The Notification page is display.
3. Click the Emergency E-mail Notification Setup tab.
4. In the Frequency section, do the following:
a. Click the Start check box to use the spinner buttons or type the earliest time of day you want e-mail notifications to be sent (for
example, 7:30 AM).
b. Click the End check box to use the spinner buttons or type the latest time of day you want e-mail notifications to be sent (for example,
6:00 PM).
5. Click Apply.