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5. Click Next. The user access level options for the New User dialog box are displayed.
6. Select the user’s access level: Restricted, Standard, or Power.
7. Click Finish.
8. Click Apply.
Figure 123. Add New User Dialog Box
Follow the steps below to change user attributes, such as user name and group affiliation. Users with Administrator or Power User access can
change name and description properties of lower-level users. Only Administrator level users, however, can change a user’s group affiliation.
To modify a user’s properties:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The User page is displayed.
3. Do one of the following:
• In the main user list:
(1) Click a user name.
(2) Click Properties. The Property dialog box opens.
• In one of the group lists:
(1) Click a user name.
(2) Click Properties. The Property dialog box opens.
4. Edit the following user properties:
•User name
• Full name
• Description
5. Click Apply in the Property dialog box.
6. Click Apply in the User Setup screen.
An Administrator level user can also change the group affiliation of users by dragging user names among different groups.
Administrators and Power Users can change or reset an existing user’s password.