C624M-C (5/06) 45
Users with Standard User access and higher may use a PC keyboard to operate PTZ and lens functions of cameras that support such features. PTZ
and lens functions can be controlled in Live mode using the keyboard.
The following table describes the keyboard buttons that you use to control PTZ and lens functions.
To use the keyboard (+) and (-) keys to control camera pan and tilt speed:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click .
2. Select a PTZ-enabled camera from the Site tree.
3. Click the mouse pointer in the camera’s view panel.
4. Press and hold the up/down and left/right arrows to pan and tilt the camera.
5. Press the plus (+) key once or more to increase the pan and tilt speed. Press the minus (-) key once or more to decrease the pan and tilt
Table P. Standard PC Keyboard Functions for Controlling PTZ and Lens Functions
Key Description
Insert and Delete These keys provide the following functionality:
• On-screen display, preset and pattern modes: Insert increases and Delete decreases focus,
performing the same actions as the focus control on the PTZ keypad.
• Remote camera programming mode: Insert and Delete perform the same actions as the PTZ keypad
focus (+) and (-) buttons, navigating up and down the camera menu choices.
Home and End These keys provide the following functionality:
• On-screen display, preset and pattern modes: The Home key opens and the End key closes the iris,
performing the same actions as the PTZ keypad iris (+) and (-) buttons.
• Remote camera programming mode: The Home key selects an option from the camera’s on-screen
menu. The End key cancels an option or exit a menu. These keys perform the same actions as the PTZ
keypad iris (+) and (-) buttons.
Page Up and Page Down These keys perform the same functionality in the on-screen display and the preset and pattern modes as the
PTZ keypad zoom (+) and (-) buttons. Page Up zooms in; Page Down zooms out.
Up and Down Arrows These keys provide the following functionality:
• On-screen display, preset and pattern modes: The up arrow key raises the camera and the down
arrow key lowers the camera. The keys perform the same actions as the mouse to move the camera.
• Remote camera programming mode: The arrow keys navigate up and down the camera menu
choices. The keys perform the same actions as the PTZ keypad focus (+) and (-) buttons.
Left and Right Arrows These keys provide the same actions as using the mouse to move the camera. The left arrow key pans the
camera to the left and the right arrow key pans the camera to the right.
+ and - These keys perform similar actions as using the mouse to change the speed of camera movement. The plus
(+) key, pressed once increases the camera’s pan and tilt speed. The minus (-) key pressed once decreases the
camera’s pan and tilt speed. Each time the plus (+) key is pressed the pan and tilt speed is increased toward
the maximum speed. Each time the minus (-) key is pressed, the pan and tilt speed is decreased toward the
minimum speed.