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To select the appropriate video signal format for your location:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The System page is displayed.
3. In the Video Format section, click NTSC or PAL to select the format.
4. Click Apply.
This section describes how to use the DX8000 Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination and includes the following topics:
• Enabling Ctrl+Alt+Del on page 189
• Using Ctrl+Alt+Del on page 189
Enabling Ctrl+Alt+Del
Enabling the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination allows you to open the Windows Task Manager dialog box to perform Windows system
administration tasks. To complete the procedure, you must be logged on to the DX8000 as an administrator or a member of the administrators
group on a computer that is part of a network domain.
The DX8000 keyboard is remapped. To see which keys replace the Ctrl and Alt keys, refer to the Important Security Information for System
Administrators guide.
To enable the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination:
1. On the DX8000 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
2. Click . The System page is displayed.
3. In the “Setup Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination” section, click the Enable Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination selection check box.
4. Click Apply.
5. Reboot the DX8000.
Using Ctrl+Alt+Del
You must enable the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination and verify your actual keyboard mapping. In some cases, the DX8000 keyboard is remapped
and the actual Ctrl, Alt, and Delete key function is assigned to other keys.
Ctrl+Alt+Del allows you to access the Windows Task Manager dialog box from within the DX8000 shell. When you exit the Windows
environment, you are returned to the DX8000 shell. In this case, you do not have to log back into the DX8000.
To access the Windows Task Manager dialog box:
1. Press the assigned keyboard keys that implement the Ctrl+Alt+Del function. The Windows Security dialog box opens.
2. In the Windows Security dialog box, click Task Manager. The Windows Task Manager window opens.
To return to the DX8000 shell without rebooting the DX8000, exit the Windows Task Manager dialog box.