Operating the Calculator 151
Some keys perform only one additional operation, which may require either 2 or 8,
depending on the color in which the operation is printed on the keyboard and where it is
positioned above the key.
When you press a modifier such as 2 or 8, a 2ND or 2 indicator appears in the status
line at the bottom of the display. If you press a modifier by accident, press it again (or
press N) to cancel its effect.
Other Important Keys You Need to Be Familiar With
Other Important Keys You Need to Be Familiar WithOther Important Keys You Need to Be Familiar With
Other Important Keys You Need to Be Familiar With
Key Description
Displays the Y= Editor.
Displays the Window Editor.
Displays the Graph screen.
Sets parameters for the Table screen.
N accesses the key’s
primary function.
2 K accesses
QUIT, which is the same
color as the
2 key.
8 7 accesses
PASTE, which is the same
color as the
8 key.
On the TI-89 Titanium,
8 5 accesses CUT, which is
the same color as the
8 key.