Appendix B: Technical Reference 919
610 Invalid variable name in a Local statement
620 Invalid variable or function name
630 Invalid variable reference
640 Invalid vector syntax
650 Link transmission
A transmission between two units was not completed. Verify that the
connecting cable is connected firmly to both units.
665 Matrix not diagonalizable
The calculation required more memory than was available at that
time. If you get this error when you run a large program, you may
need to break the program into separate, smaller programs or
functions (where one program or function calls another).
680 Missing (
690 Missing )
700 Missing "
710 Missing ]
720 Missing }
730 Missing start or end of block syntax
740 Missing Then in the If..EndIf block
750 Name is not a function or program
765 No functions selected
780 No solution found
Using the interactive math features (F5:Math) in the Graph
application can give this error. For example, if you attempt to find an
inflection point of the parabola y1(x)=x
, which does not exist, this
error will be displayed.
790 Non-algebraic variable in expression
If a is the name of a PIC, GDB, MAC, FIG, etc., a+1 is invalid. Use a
different variable name in the expression or delete the variable.
800 Non-real result
For example, if the unit is in the REAL setting of the Complex Format
mode, ln(-2) is invalid.
810 Not enough memory to save current variable. Please delete unneeded
variables on the Var-Link screen and re-open editor as current OR re-
open editor and use F1 8 to clear editor.
This error message is caused by very low memory conditions inside
the Data/Matrix Editor.
830 Overflow
840 Plot setup
Number Description